Please contact us below with questions, suggestions, or for help you may need from the MNH Ministry. We look forward to hearing from you.
HQ, Seattle, WA
Melody Of new Hope
15708 119th Ave NE,
Bothell WA 98011
Kigali, RW
“Tomorrow Begins Today” is the motto that captures our vision for the Melody of New Hope [MNH] mission. Its origin is in the Book of Joshua (4:9): “After crossing the River Jordan, God commanded Joshua to set up twelve stones collected from the middle of the River Jordan where the priests who carried the Ark of the Covenant had stood.”
These stones were to be a memorial for what God had done in liberating the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. They would manifest the goodness of the Lord and show how merciful and gracious He was to them. The stones set up by today’s generation for future generations were God’s reminder to Joshua that ‘tomorrow begins today’.